

【过期无效文章】成都品茶经纪人文化工作室预约安排:(微电同)Q: 价格多点,无卡无坑,信誉第一,品质至上,在岗等君品尝,满意为止。


Protecting our environment is very important to the world. Global warming results from negligence of people to protect our environment. Global warming leads to a rise in the temperature of the entire world. Ice in the North and South Poles will melt. The sea level will rise. Many countries may face the danger of being drowned under the sea. To save our world, we must save our forests and plant more trees. We should use less electricity and paper. We should try to use recycled products as much as possible. We must also protect our rivers and seas from water pollution. Factories should not be allowed to pour waste water into the rivers or lakes which can endanger the lives of fish and sea plants. Everyone of us has a duty and can play a part to protect our environment and save our earth.


